Originally Posted by NanteNa
Okay, guys. Here I'm referring to IAmKira, JoshAussie and ozkai.-
If you cannot comment to a thread properly, please don't comment at all. This whole 'making fun of everything' is getting INCREDIBLY annoying.
i don't make fun of serious issues
I have been through the same sh&^ this guy is going through many times over.. too many to count
i was answering how i felt it should be handled
just because it doesn't sit in your realm of standards in thought doesn't mean anything... i don't sit well with the norms.. you know that... i simply gave a viable option for the op
you have to understand that the world is not all goody goody... there are people who really do think the way i have been talking of late.. and to be honest, if i needed to i could shed all my good nature as boot up an operating system that would turn me into the coldest, most calculating sob you ever saw and that is what you saw in those posts
but right now, i am running my "unicorn's and love" operating system; my compassionate side so i will apologize if i made you upset which i obviously have
I'm sorry to you and the op