Originally Posted by NanteNa
Uhh, right.. O_ô I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
This is not ''THE WORLD''. This is JapanForum. I'm a mod of JapanForum - not the world. I'm well aware that the world is not perfect or, as you put it, ''goody goody'', but we have rules on here - and if you cannot stick to those.. I suggest you find somewhere else to play. Encouraging people to go for people against their will is just plain stupid with a twist of insane. I accept the fact that you have an opinion.. but sometimes you're just REALLY creepy.
It is human interaction via proxy, so jf exists in the world as a part of it.
I have stuck to the rules (for the most part

*evil grimace) My point though i that you have no right to tell me to stop posting because you think my advise is stupid or insane. It's as you say, my opinion and I have every right to be myself or as you so eloquently put it "creepy".....anyway, i'm done defending myself in this thread and derailing it
so, maybe op should dress up in a suit and bring flowers over to her house and say a cheesy line as she opens the door... it would show that he recognizes how ridiculous it is to go through those lengths and yet would retain some of the formality by the fact that he is wearing a suit. or better yet he should propose to her when she comes out.. it would be a funny story for the future