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Sangetsu (Offline)
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12-19-2009, 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post
have started reading this doc.

about half way.

psudo-political nonsense-science im afraid.

this is not a scientific document, or report.
this is a political piece of propoganda by the looks of it.

to quote:
"nuclear plants, which have zero emission of greenhouse
gases, are environmentally friendly, more economical"

not only a simplification but not necessarily true

will read the rest soon


sorry this is complete c0*k sh1te,
i would not even call it psudo-science.

my favourite quote is:
"About 2 billion years ago, the CO2 atmospheric level was 100 or perhaps
even 1,000 times higher than today"

so it was either 100 times more or 1000 times more, gosh thats quite a degree of uncertenty there.
Also it seems to bang on about a single ice core study?

global warming is happening.
I looked at some raw data from a weather station in coventry just now (for kicks)
average max temp for dec in 1977 was 7.4 c
in 2008 the result shows 12.5 c
[ linkz Bablake Weather Station ]

(note 77 apears to be 24hr, 2008 9-21hr)

there is alot of nonsense out there on the internet i'm afraid.

please click the vid link i posted in an earlier link, im sure it will lay some of your sceptisism to rest.
Interestingly enough, the man in the article posted above was one of the reviewing scientists of the first 2 IPCC reports on climate change. His credentials were good enough for the UN, and the IPCC whose reports you believe. He has an MD and 2 PHDs, but I guess he can only be considered a "scientist" to you if he supports global warming theory?

As for a variation of "100 to 1000 times higher", the IPCC report on climate change predicts temperature increases of 1.1 degrees to 6.6 degrees in 100 years, which is a variation of more than 600%. Not very exact science, is it?

The graph which shows where Dr Michael Mann linked together the spike in Co2 from the late 19th century to the late 20th century to make his and Al Gore's famous "hockey stick' graph has been proven to be true, and one of the reasons that the British Government has disallowed the showing of Al Gore's movie in British schools. In that graph it shows Co2 levels of the late 19th century to have been climbing, even though there was no man-made cause. Michael Mann and associates moved the graph ahead by decades so it would appear that the rise was occurring after the industrial revolution. This is a fact, and one admitted to by the IPCC itself.

Pseudo-science indeed.
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