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Tenchu (Offline)
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12-19-2009, 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy View Post

i was actually trying to foster a debate about wether or not there is such a thing as a "proper" way to eat something.

as it would be quite hard to have a universal custom/culture or a universal understanding of customs/cultures,

and that something that you see as improper with your view and/or lack of understanding/knowledge, may infact be considered the proper way to do things in another culture (which you have limited or no understanding of)

and that as it is not ones place to judge other cultures/customs.
and that a culture can be defined even to the point of 1 persons individual culture (in extreme/hypothetical cases)

one should not judge, especially in a negative way.

I think you will find Tenchu was making a particular specific point, and having a little dig by calling me a bogan (i won't deny it ) and pointing out quite correctly that one really shouldn't use a dessert spoon for mains [correct me if im wrong there T]

hmmm it almost hurts cos you try so hard
All the tools, knife, fork, tea spoon, desert spoon, soup spoon, Chinese spoup spoon, table spoon, chop sticks, piece of coconut shell, have a very specific way to be used.

If you go to Japan and expect you can use your fork to eat everything; you're not in Italy anymore and the dish is not pasta. Cleaving a piece of sushi in half with a fork is a bogan thing to do; you've no understanding of culture.

As is the same, any Japanese trying to eat pasta with chop sticks instead of a fork is equally as bogan.

It's messy. It's less than childish. It's like trying to dig a hole with a pick instead of a spade; it's just the wrong tool, it's just dumb.

When you go to a different country, you're presented with different food. Different tasks. You require different tools to do the job.

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