Originally Posted by furyu
ok i'll try
Strawberry Short Cake
(1011 kcal)
Sponge - Two 12cm(diameter) sponge or a 18cm sponge
-Water - 50cc
-Sugar - 25g
-Kirschwasser - a tablespoonful
-Fresh cream - 200cc
-Sugar (if possible, use granulated sugar instead) - 16g
-Vanilla Essence - proper amount (yeah, it really says so. xp )
-Strawberry(Medium size) - 8
-Mint leaves - proper amount
I hope this helps you. >_<
Thanks that helps a lot
Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Google Translate
This is the best I'm going to offer. I thought about translating it, but then I saw it went on for pages and pages.
One thing: the translation translates "water" into "Wednesday" because the abbreviation for "Wednesday" is the kanji for "water."
I suggest you get an English recipe for strawberry shortcake, then compare the two.
Good luck with your diet! What's better is to lift weights to up your basal metabolic rate, so you can eat more calories and still lose weight.
Also, if you're on a diet, 1011 cal for a piece of cake is ridiculous. That is not a diet food, period. That's half the calories a non-active person should eat per day for all meals combined.
ahh so thats why it translates to wed, lol what makes you think I'm on a diet.