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(#222 (permalink))
WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
Posts: 164
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-21-2009, 11:31 AM

for a start.
The term "global warming" is a bit of a misnomer.
again, weather is a deeply complex beast. this must be understood.
its not simple. its complex.

right now alot of ice is melting, due to warmer atmosphere,
large chunks of ice, there was one the size of india not too long ago,
float south, and then make the ambient sea temperature of the north atlantic colder.

Japan is the meeting point between warm and cold currents, however if there is ice melting into the cold current then that cold current will become less saline (salty)
it is this difference in saline levels as well as the difference in sea levels that largely drives the currents.

however year on year there is less see ice between Russia and Alaska,
Temperature is not the only thing that effects the ocean,
your looking at things like density, oxygenation, and saline levels etc.
as saline levels have a major effect on the currents hitting japan, and these currents in turn have a major effect on japans weather,
after all Japan is on the same latitude as spain, it does not snow in spain.

even earthquakes and other sisemic events can have short term impacts on ocean currents.

It is only out of ignorance that you can say:
nuh its not getting warmer, its all a scam

Plane Stupid Polar Bear Ad -

consider the following:
somewhere in France 1992
little one: "what did you do during WW2 grandad?"
old man: "nothing, i just carried on living my life as normal"
LO : "what!? did you not care about all the people being killed in concentration camps?"
OM: "well at the time there was no hard evidence, infact according to the Germans it was all made up"
LO : "you looser grandad, johnny's grandad was a partisan - hes so much cooler than you"


you are not being asked to do that much!

thats what takes the piss.
if everyone made minor changes to everyday things it can be done.
no one is asking you to live in a tent and eat only lentils.

nobody says stop driving your car,
but perhaps instead of buying one with a 4.0 litre engine why not get one with a 2.0 litre engine which will go just as fast,
or even a little 1.1 after all unless your in germany you have no need to go faster than 80MPH

or if you drive less than 100 miles per day, get an electric car, its cheaper and faster

switch electronics off instead of using stand-by

if its all a farce then all you have done is save yourself money
but if its not, at least you can tell your grandchildren that you did your part.
and that the reason the climate is f**ked is because of ignorant fools who had thier head in the sands.

- Russia is trying to muddy climate change reports eh?
-hmm i wonder what the main export of russia, that pretty much the entire russian economy is built upon is.
oh yea, oil and gas.
-also its worth noting that if you look at what is likely to happen Russia will actually come out of climate change in a strong position.

when you consider whats at stake, the billions of lives that are at stake in the 3rd world
is it really that much to ask?
what if it was your life?
the life of your family?

just because its outside of your monkey-sphere does not mean you should act like a primitive.

so if you had the choice,
curb greenhouse gasses (and save money), or there will be a 1% chance your children and parents and rest of your family will be killed.

would you gamble?
even at 1%?
because if you chose to believe big-oil propoganda, thats what your doing.
only its not 1% and its not your family, (but hey it hasn't been "proved" and i don't know any jews, so why should i care?)

[well seeing as the developed world is going to hit an epic population crisis, every country will be looking after its own, military strength will be vastly re-distributed to those countries with "youth" bubbles. it may just be your country that gets invaded, and your family that gets killed, after all if half of china floods, and china needs more land, and there are some tasty bits of japan left, bye bye Japan. USA too busy looking after itself to help you now]

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Last edited by WhoIsDaffy : 12-21-2009 at 11:45 AM.
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