Great, just my luck.
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: London
12-21-2009, 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by WhoIsDaffy
during an important "closing the deal" dinner with some very senior families, (in someones home aswell!)
after learning some "new" japanese from a certain hottie, and with the repeat events promised to me that very night on my mind, when asked by the host if i was pleased with everything. i replied in my finest Japanese
"Kono Agee wa oshiri des!"
(This tastes like ass!)
as aposed to
"Kono Agee wa oishi des"
"this is tasty"
everyone looked very serious for about half a second, (i had offended the wife of a family head one does not normally offend). then burst out laughing.
my fixer explained why everyone was laughing,
also it was funny on another level because aparently she was not a very good cook, (tasted fine to me though) but everyone including her husband) was always too polite to say anything.
They were also no doubt laughing at the Gaijin's ignorance in the Japanese custom and in normal manners and courtesy.
So well done. You just aided in reinforcing the stereotype that we westerners have in Japan 
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -