Originally Posted by RobinMask
I have no idea why I respond to you any more. . .
2) 'Gaijin' is a pretty common term, and although not tecnhnically politcally correct I wouldn't go as far to say it's racist or rant about it to the extent you have. It's certainly not as offensive as you make it out to be. 3) Why do you assume you know the culture better than he does? If you're making such social gaffs then I'd personally say that you don't. 5) You really don't make yourself sound like an adult, especially when you tell people to 'shh' when you disagree with them.
oh god,
im really not doing this all over again!
1. counting starts with one
2. yes it politically incorrect and as such how "upset" or amount of "hissy" i decide is fit is entirely at my own discretion,
personally i dont give 2 hoots, but as the general theme seems to be how important it is to be polite and mannered, and then to use the word gaijin is hypocracy
3. it was was not a social gaffe, it was a freudian slip
4.the next number is 4, and as stated the fact that i know more about certain world cultures than salv is based upon the assumption (as stated) that his sole point of reference is the internet
5 well your only as young as the woman you feel
and i ended my post with shh because i was hoping for that to be the end of it, and as an indication that a pointless flame war was not on the cards.
as really i was coming back with clearly petty-over sensitive points regarding the level of my offense.
something salv managed to grasp, and understand
but you like so much else have completely misunderstood.
there is no need to reply.
you defending salv is like a mouse defending the US 3rd tank devision.
eek eek, "who moved the cheese??"
lolz ,
i didn't expect you to take that seriously salv