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Projectoffset (Offline)
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Financial Situation during Temprorary Visit? - 12-22-2009, 11:40 AM

Hello everyone, I was hoping you could help me with some options/decisions concerning money when you're living under Temporary Visitor Status in Japan.

I and 2 other friends are planning on a 1-2 month visit to Japan. This will not be anytime soon, most likely during the summer of 2011, but I suppose getting help is never premature. At the moment we're not thinking too hard about it, and the initial plan was to get a job while there in order to pay for rent. Of course, after brisk research, I found out that Temporary Visitors cannot work in Japan. I was hoping to get information on ANY possible options we have.

At the moment I see several solutions, some harder or riskier than others.
Background info:
  • We are college students.
  • 3 people: 2 guys and 1 girl
  • By the time of the trip, our ages will be 20, 20, and 22.

We are all college students with loans. We also have little time for work during semesters, the only opportunity presenting itself during breaks. One option is to work during breaks up until the point of the trip in order to accumulate money to pay for tickets and to rent an apartment (assuming renting an apartment and living there is the cheapest option).

We WILL be living in the same apartment (all 3 of us, 1 girl and 2 guys). The 2 guys are willing to sleep in the same room of course. The girl is as well, if needed. Food, rent and transportation will all come out of the money the 3 of us have accumulated up until the point of the trip.

However, we could also attempt to try and get a job with an employer that is willing to "overlook" our temporary visitor status - this, of course, being risky and most likely hard to do.

Something else I've considered is trying to find a homestay family willing to take all 3 of us in for the 1-2 months in exchange for work, this is of course a variation on finding an employer willing to ignore out Visitor Status. But, perhaps this way it isn't considered official "payment".

I'd like to apologize for the poorly constructed post, I would appreciate it greatly if you could give me advice, tips, and maybe solutions to our predicament.

Again, I apologize for atrocious post construction, I hope I could get my point across. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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