Thread: UK - HK - Tokyo
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(#6 (permalink))
BritGirl (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 4
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-22-2009, 02:54 PM

OK that gives me something else to consider.... I had been looking at Shibyua and Rappongi but as schools are not a consideration we can go anywhere that is an easy commute and it would be nice to have some green around...

I have learnt to be very direct and no nonsense with Real Estate agents - and to be honest this didn't go down well with HK Chinese guy RE agents, but it got me what I wanted so I didn't care how 'bruised' their egos were.
Basically If I say 200 sqm with a balcony and they take me to 170 without I'm not even wasting my time getting out of the car...
Do I need to be a bit more softly softly with Japanese RA guys ??? or is the don't want to waste anyones time a good approach from the start ??

Things are progressing and we will come and have a look see in the new year. I know I can be a bit too direct - which is fine when you can understand humor etc so direction would be appreciated...
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