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WhoIsDaffy (Offline)
Posts: 164
Join Date: Dec 2009
If I Ruled the world...... - 12-23-2009, 12:10 PM

so i thought this would be a bit of fun, and let us see where peoples politics are.
your prime minister/president/grand ayatolah of your own country
with a level of gloabal influence that makes Obama look like the president of the Caravan Club.

what would you do under the following headings:

I would set the tax rate:

I would change social policy:

I would set foreign Policy:

I would fill a mass grave with:

Sod the consequences, I would:


I would set the tax rate:
Get rid of non-dom status, bring funds hidden in offshore accounts into your tax calculations, tax the rich, tax breaks for the poor.
reduce tax on alcohol, raise tax on fuel (re-introduce red diesel for haulage and taxi's)

I would change social policy:
Issue all existing smokers with "smokers cards" for the next 3 years,
after that you would not be able to buy cigarettes unless you presented your "smoking card". stops new peiople starting up, keeps the existing smokers happy.

I would set foreign Policy:
I would use force and extreme prejudice to stop the proliferation of WMD's , most notably nuke's (im looking at you Iran)

I would fill a mass grave with:

1. people who can't drive
2. chavs
3. tourists who block pavements
4. hippies

Sod the consequences, I would:
organise a global summit, move all country to country debt to the private sector, then on an agreed date all countries in the world would simply default on thier national debt, i would send armed forces into the offices of the IMF, World Bank etc. and force these institutions to restore all countries to thier pre-global default credit ratings.

Last edited by WhoIsDaffy : 12-23-2009 at 12:12 PM.
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