12-23-2009, 11:07 PM
I would set the tax rate: For companies that pollute and ruin the environment (depending on the level of pollution the tax rate will change). This would also apply to people.
Social status would be non-existing.
Education would be changed. Children would receive an education until their 6th year and given their 7th year to choose a field of study (ie. historian, astronomer, business,etc) once the 7th year of school is over they will choose what they want to do and get an education in that field. there is no second choice of study . We will not look at education as a whole ( as in national tests or exams, grade point average) but separately for each child based on their needs and choice of what field of education they will pursue.
In order to have a child you will need proof of marriage and a steady income. 2 children is the maximum for a family. If you are not married and have a child you will be fined .
If you choose to do nothing and give nothing to society then you will not be a part of the society and will be forced elsewhere.
Solar energy will be our major source of energy. all other energy sources will come second.
If any person is without benefits or below the average income level they can and will be given help from the government by: Providing housing, work , food , and education. This can only be provided for a maximum of 3 years and if the person(s) is still unwilling to do anything they will fall under the rule above and be forcefully removed from society. If they can show proof that they were willing to seek education and employment, their case will be seen before a judge.
For those who are employed or are registered students will receive medical benefits and the basic necessities such as food regardless of race , creed , or gender.
Economics will be virtually non-existent . We will not live for money alone but for the improvement of ourselves.
Creativity is granted and is wanted. Creative freedoms will not be taken away.
Religion is accepted. Violence against a religion or from a religion will be delt with harshly as will hate crimes against a persons skin color, gender or sexual preference. any religion teaching violence will not be tolerated. (violence as in: teaching to kill or act violently towards others).
military will exist but only be used against an enemy of the state, war against the state, riots, natural disasters, etc. It will not be used to create wars against others only for the defense of ourselves.
Immigration will be controlled. people wanting to immigrate to the country will need to pass a series of exams. if they pass they will be given entrance to the country and given a 4 years probation period before they can be naturalized as citizens of the country. if at any time during this period they do not have employment or are below the average income level they will be given a 4 month period where the government will help them. if they do not improve during this period they will be made to leave the country. there will be no discrimination against any person(s) wishing to enter the country and all will be treated equally.
Violence WILL no be tolerated
The enviroment will be treated with respect and any person(s) who do not follow proper regulations regarding the enviroment will be arrested and given a fine depending on the level of the crime along with prison time. many would say this is against their freedoms, but taking care of the enviroment is not a freedom but a responsibility .
 "Im too drunk to taste this chicken" - colonel sanders