12-24-2009, 05:01 PM
A girl like Yousei Teikoku, have really beautiful hair, long straight and short straight bangs.. But I can see the problem if you don't like bangs like that + think you should have a little longer hair for a haircut like that x3
hmmm, you could get some bangs with deffirent lenghts? and the rest of your hair a little disheveled? :3 I think that would look kinda nice with the length you already have.
- If you are planning on die your hair completely blond, then make sure you can give your hair a lot of care after, AND be very cautious, while doing the process.. because you're hair is so dark it will be bad for your hair. So be careful. But I think bangs will be very pretty to you : D.
- sry for my english (not sure all is right) and hope I could help just a little o(^w^)o