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(#34 (permalink))
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IamKira (Offline)
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Location: Mt. Akina
12-24-2009, 08:35 PM

so now, using machines to transport you when you could just walk.. say, around a dept. store is more green than... walking? ..i don't understand
they use those everywhere they go and they just get hugely obese and useless

and i should very well be able to input countryist remarks wherever.. India is a country.. Indians are the people living there.. that includes any Caucasians and african's and swedes etc... if i can't even remark on something that's true just because it's politically incorrect or someone thinks it is dealing with racial profiling or whatnot then i don't care to remain in the location where that be the case... i.e. jf

I'm getting sick of this.. I am a white male. Because of this, I can't even speak my mind anymore. I'll say something bad about george bush and palin and cheney, and that's ok with everybody.. anytime I explain to someone that I dislike Tiger Woods etc. immidiately i get a swarm of "What, are you racist or something?"... i'm tired of it
The mexican people are crossing over the border into the united states as ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS with an estimated count around 20- 30 million of them.. I said I'd like to rid the world of them.. I have no problem with mexicans who come over here through official channels and learn the language etc. and i never said i'd rid the world of all mexicans

all i was saying was that the indian people have a huge amount of intollerance towards gay people as do a lot of other cultures... it was supposed to be a mildly humerous remark about how a world with a bunch of gay people in it would have great population control

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