Originally Posted by jdragon
No. I heard about the whole Myspace controversy....so you didn't hear that he wanted to come back, not only because of that, but because he wanted to go to school? Thats what he said..lol.
What do you mean you were thinkin along the lines of WooYoung? Borrowing him? *confused*
Oh yeah NichKhun speaks English better than Thai according to him...he can also speak a little Chinese(Mand. or Cant. or both, I'm not sure!)
So he speaks around 4 languages~
Yeah~Chunnie speaks a little english from livin here...SJ's Kibum does too since he lived here before training with SM(his parents are still here). I'm thinkin U-Kiss might have one or two? Either way I don't get why their parents chose the US....why not France or someplace much cooler than America? lol...
I can't remember if I heard about the school thing.
just meaning I think I might like Wooyoung. but you got him fair and square... so, I'll wait for someone else to come up.

and you sure didn't leave many from this group free. You left Chansung I know for sure.... But I don't know yet if I like him.
question.... which guy is it at the end of Heartbeat?
and who is it at the beginning, also? not the same guy, is it?
Yeah, i know about Kibum too.
yea, UKISS does too. How many I can't remember.
It says in their thread.
hey.... I'm glad they chose the U.S. :0
anyway.... boy we went offtopic.