The first guy you see in the 'Heartbeat' MV is Taecyeon - with the black hair in 2 ponytails. The first shot of him, he looks like that..the next with the group, his hair is down & he's got like blonde on top of his black hair...No, they're not the same person, cuz the person at the end that 'dies' is Wooyoung. I remember when their look changed to that...I got everyone so confused! But now it's easier to tell whose who. I used to confuse Wooyoung & Junho alot since their hairstyle & look is really similar.
But I could always always pickout Taec & Junsu. But, Junsu's my *favorite*...besides Jay. His voice is amazing & he's so good looking~I could tell him from 10 miles away.
lol~It seems if you have an incredible voice your name should be Junsu. haha. Xiah Junsu has slipped down a level since I found 2PM Junsu's voice to be prefferable. He's got a super sexy voice. Xiah's voice is amazing but in a different way...Junsu's makes me wanna ravish him. lol :X
OH yeah & the whole nightclub incident makes me angry~honestly...ppl needa be chill when the guys are around...cuz they end up pysically hurting them & thats just not worth it>:| It made me angry not only because Wooyoung is one of my favorites, but because this just confirms my belief that the fans over there are a little too obsessed sometimes...I've met some famous ppl but I haven't ever freaked out & wanted to touch their face, ect..Someone said he had gave a fan a highfive & it hurt his finger, which is why the blood was on his clothes(he likes to put his hand on his tummy when performing) & he touched his face too which is why there was blood there too...but I don't think a ring could've done all that. From what I've seen of his face it looked like a scratch. grrr~poor need to show some respect & keep out of their personal space...or ask permission first. lol
But! The performances were hot! I loved the ending to "Heartbeat" when Taec gets his heart ripped out & dies instead of Wooyoung dying. lol~but god Junsu is so HOT<3