Okay, now this is a genuine inquiry and concern. Please don't brush this off as some stupid question from an Otaku girl.
I have been dealing with anorexia for around 6 months now. I really didn't think I actually had the problem, I just thought I was being very healthy. I had begun to find myself addicted to looking at pictures on the internet and wished to look like some of these Japanese teenage models. Particularly the cosplayers. I began at 5' 1.5" weighing 98lbs, I got down to 75lbs. Well, I have recently began putting weight on, I'm not particularly sure why, but I'm now up to 87 and I feel fat again.
Now, enough of me. It has been brought to my attention that those pictures I had been looking at were apparently models and not very many average Japanese teenage girls are actually that thin.
It has also been brought to my attention that many Japanese girls have developed eating disorders such as anorexia. That's is why they are so thin.
But see, I'm not so sure about all of this. Have many Japaneses teenagers developed eating disorders? Or are they naturally that thin? How many of those pictures on the internet are of regular people?
If it is just their lifestyle, about how many calories and what do they consume in a day? I was, and still am, consuming about 700 to 1000 calories a day. Does this even classify as an eating disorder?