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(#27 (permalink))
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Artvampire (Offline)
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Location: Arizona (USA)
12-28-2009, 07:51 AM

There are a couple of things wrong with Pokemon, but it's not Satan.

One, there are kids wandering around the woods looking for helpless creatures to capture from the wild and trap them in a little ball. That sounds like animal abuse. In this cartoon there are no stranger dangers in the woods to kidnap these children and sodomize them. That's pretty lucky!

Then the kids make these creatures battle each other until they pass out or are badly injured. That's horrible! If it's illegal to have rooster fighting and dog fighting, why is it ok to battle Pokemon?

And if the Pokemon don't evolve fast enough, they can use magic crystals to force them to! Isn't that right up there with hormone enhancers? Which is illegal for race horses.