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Sangetsu (Offline)
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12-28-2009, 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by gyouda View Post
Defendant Ichihashi becomes a popular person as "a handsome man" on the Japanese bulletin board.
It is supposed that I "love Ichihashi" a note insulting the woman whom I write it, and is crowded and late Lindsay and the bereaved a lot.
I am very sad as the same human.

Because "he is a handsome man, I forgive rape and violence, imprisonment".
I am pretty that there is a feeling of the apology for Lindsay.
Lindsay should have sent goodwill to Ichihashi.
Prostitution was performed in the English conversation school where Lindsay worked. She should have sold herself, too.
The bereaved of Lindsay receive 100,000,000 yen from a parent of Ichihashi.

Of all the bad stories surrounding Nova, this is the first time I've heard about one involving prostitution. Prostitution occurs enough in the normal places in Japan, but young foreigners who are college-educated and living in a foreign country for the first time usually don't have to resort to prostitution, particularly when their rent is payed by their company and they get 3 million yen per year in salary.

Ichihashi is about as handsome as a bucket of warts. There aren't many people so unfortunate as to be born with a face which only a mother could love, but he is one of them. His plastic surgery didn't improve matters. Anyone who thinks of Ichihashi as a "handsome" man has either had a lot to drink, or is uglier than a bucket of warts herself.
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