Originally Posted by TheDarkOne
Okay, now this is a genuine inquiry and concern. Please don't brush this off as some stupid question from an Otaku girl.
I have been dealing with anorexia for around 6 months now. I really didn't think I actually had the problem, I just thought I was being very healthy. I had begun to find myself addicted to looking at pictures on the internet and wished to look like some of these Japanese teenage models. Particularly the cosplayers. I began at 5' 1.5" weighing 98lbs, I got down to 75lbs. Well, I have recently began putting weight on, I'm not particularly sure why, but I'm now up to 87 and I feel fat again.
If it is just their lifestyle, about how many calories and what do they consume in a day? I was, and still am, consuming about 700 to 1000 calories a day. Does this even classify as an eating disorder? 
It is not a stupid question, but I only left the critical part of your comment that you need to address above and beyond whatever questions you have about Japanese models in the media.
Yes, a diet restricted to less than 1000 calories daily, even if perfectly balanced (which I seriously doubt) is insufficient for someone 5 ft tall or more, unless you are permanently bedridden and have absolutely no mobility. And at 700 you are losing muscle mass that if continued long enough could put you in exactly that condition, along with nasty other complications - none the least of which is hair loss.
I am not a doctor, but I am very familiar with this because until I was about 14 I was put on a high calorie diet because I was not maintaining a healthy weight. Then in high school my best friend's sister was hospitalized with a severe case of anorexia. It was a fairly new field of study back then, without all the research on the psychological aspects of it. But over about 3 years we watched her go through everything from force feeding to shock therapy while wasting away until she died of malnutrition.
So, if you are not already under doctors care, I suggest you see one. If you already are, pay attention to what you are being instructed to do. And personally, I would add that you should replace those picture with ones of real people, not fashion models who are notorius for extreme measures to look as thin as possible in their photos.