Originally Posted by spoonybard
The fact that you say that you find him leaving the site because of a certain user is childish contradicts the fact that you think he should moderate the language section, and to me, I think it's good that he left if he couldn't take a certain person anymore; had he been a mod for that section, I feel that some people might have be banned just because he didn't like them, or because he got a bad impression. With great power comes great responsibility, after all, and if a person can't handle a few idiots, then they are not qualified for that position.
I never said he'd be a good mod. If there was a way to make him a mod, but without the the ability to ban people, then I'd be one first people here shouting 'Nagoyankee should be mod!'.
His low temper well known to me too, but looking for what's best for the members of JF, I thought it's better for him to be a mod rather than continuing this childish drama, besides, just because a majority of members think he should be a mod, doesn't mean he will be.
Originally Posted by reihiino
WhoIsDaffy reminds me of another member that was banned though.