Thread: Avatar
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(#20 (permalink))
Jaydelart's Avatar
Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
12-29-2009, 02:25 AM

I watched it Christmas day with the family.

These days, I scrutinize how the story is delivered more than what the story is about... because, in my opinion, any legitimate story can be amazing with a good story-telling technique. And Avatar is no exception. It did a considerably good job of immersing the audience into its world. The wildlife, people, and landscapes made many references to the real world, and that helped shape an attachment to the storyline.

Although its philosophical value was shallow to a degree, I think it was effective at stimulating the mind. And that's what caught a lot of people's attention. What it lacks in epiphanic depth it makes up for in appealing presentation and concept.

All the public hype initially made me wary, but I ended up enjoying it.
It was a beautiful movie -- both technically and artistically.


With all that said, I did have one notable problem with the movie... and that was when Grace died.
I feel I didn't care as much as I probably should have.

I was more affected when the soldier chick died... and I don't even remember her name. lol
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