Lost In Translation? -
12-30-2009, 08:19 PM
Something I am struggling to understand: I can't claim to have
watched a lot of Japanese material. I've seen lots of Monster movies
(Godzilla, that type) and quite a bit of modern Anime.
Something I've noticed is that a LOT of the translated dialog
makes no sense whatsoever. I'm curious to know if this
is because the translators are incompetent, if there are special
expressions in Japanese that will not translate to English, no matter
what, or if the material is just badly written.
For example, I'm watching "Godzilla: Tokyo SOS".
Now, don't waste your breath telling me that this is junk.
I know it is junk. It isn't "Seven Samurai", I already know that.
However, things I keep noticing in Japanese movies are this:
1. Overstating the obvious, and doing it multiple times
in the same conversation. Case in point is the conversation at 0:21:27 in the aforementioned movie, which I am streaming off of Netflix right now.
2. Emotional reactions and exclamations that are completely absurd and out-of-context. This isn't just twitlike young girls screaming and exclaiming: Everyone makes incredibly stupid and over-the-top exclamations
that don't fit the situation, at all.....do Japanese flip out like this in real life? I had the idea that most Japanese are very restrained and polite?
I guess it boils down to that: it isn't just excited utterances. This is ALL dialog, every scene has a comment or emotion that doesn't match the situation at all!
To a very small extent, it's similar to the mismatch in dubbing between sound and lip movements, except the words you are hearing don't make any sense inside the story?!