Originally Posted by SceptileMaster
Isn't manga just essentially the Japanese word for comic? Also just out of interest, do they call American comics 漫画 (sorry when actually writing Japanese speech I refuse to use romaji)?
Wikipedia seems to indicate that コミックス is for US comics, while 漫画 is used for kanji-based countries' works (Korea, China, Japan):
漫画 - Wikipedia
Regardless, the term "manga" hasn't been imported to be a synonym for "comics" in the US.
I guess I should quit being a fogey about this, though. It's not like English speakers agree on what is the best English term, either. There's a movement toward "sequential art" and other less-elegant terminology. Probably to use "that cool weird mystic Oriental language use my kung fu and my chi and Kamehameha some groovy stuff EXTREEEEME."
Also, I think it's safe to say that "manga" was imported and used for a long time as a term for "Japanese comics/sequential art." However, recently people are trying to call their non-Japanese comics "manga" for some reason.