Originally Posted by Kenpachi11
Well Japan finally quit deniying that they had a secret war protocol with the US. How do you think this would effect japan if a war broke out in korea?
First of all, North Korea isn't doing anything. North Korea stopped mentioned withdrawal of American bases in South Korea during their New Year's public messages
Daum 미디어다음 - 뉴스
On the other hand, it's very simple if you think differently. It's time for the Chinese government to intervene America's foreign policies regarding North Korea when America isn't doing anything to improve things. Why? China is the only country to take North Korea reasonably, despite North Korea gave many disputed issues towards China.
Originally Posted by kyo_9
again the US involved with anything regarding nucleur weapon artilery..
The American mass media works in a mysterious way when it comes to nuke. (see Pakistan)
Originally Posted by Mortry
I think that Korea would blow up Okinawa first...
I know you're European but don't generalize Korea as one politically.
The bigger problem is... Okinawan citizens are against over half of the US bases stationed in their own prefecture.