Originally Posted by Sahaqiel
Why my mother began her sentence with "Anatatte" rather than "anata".
って can be used as a colloquial form of (の)は
But it has some other uses and can't be used in this way all of the time.
So I believe this is like あなたは
Originally Posted by Sahaqiel
What "Omattetayori" means. I don't know where the word begins or ends, etc., and I don't think the yori is comparative.
I would have thought from the romaji that it is お + 待ってた + より...
It doesn't really make sense to me.
I can only think of より as a comparative.
Unless you mis-spelled it and meant 思ってたより? (お
in which case it would mean 'Than I thought'
eg: 思ってたより高いなぁ - (It's more) expensive
than I thought
/End Edit
Originally Posted by Sahaqiel
Things I would like confirmation about:
Yuukan apparently means bravery or the like, so saying "yuukanna" would make it into an adjective, right?
勇敢 means 'brave'
Putting な on the end doesn't turn it into an adjective because it already is one.
The な just allows you to connect it to nouns.