Thread: [Korean] Dbsk
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(#263 (permalink))
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lself (Offline)
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Join Date: Jul 2008
01-03-2010, 07:53 AM

So far, I've heard nothing about them actually disbanding. SM is denying it, the boys are denying it, and avex is denying it...That's the most recent that I've heard anyway. I think avex announced that pretty recently since the articles were mostly from today... This crap needs to get over with. I dont want them to disband, but they just need to get their heads screwed on straight or something!!

빅뱅하고 태군하고 허영생하고 동방신기하고
MBLAQ하고 아웃사이어하고 F.Cuz하고 U-Kiss를사랑해요!
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