I guess it's given me more bad than good when put in a list, but it's given me many many headaches, sleep deprivation, an apparent anger problem, some emotional problems, new vocabulary (

), manga, anime, and music, some of the best friends i could hope for (btw, kudo I haven't forgotten you! if only we could meet...), a longer friends list on facebook, my first heartbreak, a more open mind, a love of Japan and it's culture (and possibly every culture), a desire to see the world...(I'll update this post from time to time

(btw, if anyone remembers a member called Maku and knows how to get in contact with him, I'd appreciate if you contacted me)
Originally Posted by Salvanas
Haha, aye I remember that. You proceeded to hate me for ages after that :P
lol, I was a real bitch...