01-04-2010, 06:23 AM
Hi, thanks for your reply! I wouldn't be entering my field (at least not at first) in Japan since the language would probably be a barrier. Maybe later once I master Japanese at an acceptable level, I could use my portfolio. I definitely would like to freelance in my spare time (with companies back home) and keep my skills alive. As for leaving my life behind, I'm single and have no dependents or big commitments here, so it wouldn't be too much of a problem. I plan to pay off my property here and rent it out for some income when I'm away, although it won't be much compared to the living costs in Japan.
Speaking of spare time, can anyone comment on how the quality of life is when teaching English through JET? Can you live a "normal" type of life, or are you working 24/7 like a typical Japanese? I have a couple of Japanese friends there and that's all they ever do.
Good point about not getting into JET... is there a limit to how many times you can apply? Does it count against you in the next round if you've failed to get in before? I will probably go for a degree in my field, or at least do something that is interesting, even if it doesn't help my career, rather than doing a teaching related degree.
As for your dilemma, can you not do a PhD at any time? If you fail getting into JET, you could fall back on the PhD plan. Hope you get in, it's such a cool opportunity. In general, I think people always take the safe option and settle for a mundane life rather than at least trying and failing to do what you really want.
Thanks for the advice.