01-04-2010, 08:35 PM
Avatar was boring and predictable. The graphics were good, but not enough to salvage the movie. The characters were flat and boring. Jake was a Gary Stu, being disabled and having little to no knowledge of Pandora or the Na'Vi, he was still able to become accepted whereas no other Avatar had been. And he didn't even bat an eye! The rest of the humans only showed up when Jake needed them.
I didn't like how they portrayed the army as the badguys. While I don't agree that they should have done what they did, it was horrible that they portrayed each and every person as being cold hearted. In one scene, while they were discussing the stratgies they were going to use against the Na'Vi, there were people cheering! I'm not sure how realistic it is to cheer on plans to destroy the home of an innocent race, but having them react that way makes them seem like cold-hearted assholes rather than human beings.
The only thing they expanded on in the Pandora world were the landscapes, and I already said the graphics were good. But outside of that, there were few animals and plants that were introduced, and there was no variety to the world. That gave the world a fake feeling in my opinion. Also, for a movie that bashed Pagan religions, it really had a Pagan feel to it.
There were a lot of flaws to the movie, and it was ok at best. I didn't fall in love with it, though it was trying its best to capitivate me. I did like the emotion that came from the Na'Vi when the tree fell - that was the only scene I really liked. The movie is too overhyped for its own good - I wouldn't see it again if I had the chance to.