Originally Posted by MMM
Like what? Give some examples.
For instance :
Behind Enemy Lines
The film, released by News Corporation division 20th Century Fox, features fictional news reports from Sky News, a sister company to Fox
None of the actors playing Serbians were actually Serbians; the producers said that they hired Croats to instruct the actors in bad Serbian language, because they could not find any Serbs willing to work on the film, due to anti-Serb sentiment carried through out the film. Vladimir Mashkov, the actor who played the Serbian sniper, Sasha, is Russian and Olek Krupa, the actor who played the Serbian General, Miroslav Lokar, is Polish. Also, the names of Serbian characters were not Serbian.
It was filmed in Slovakia, not Bosnia. During the shooting of the lakeside scene near the end, the countryside was unexpectedly devoid of snow. To recreate a snowy lake, the film's crew cleared part of a mountain of trees, used molten wax to create the appearance of a lake, and used paper snow to imitate real snow
So, it's normal when Croats played roles of Serbs.

And Chinese played roles of Japanese......