Originally Posted by termogard
*Native viewer* could be easily offended looking how characters of his countrymen are played by foreign actors. They looks like aliens, they speak on broken language etc. *Hillbilly viewer* usually spits on details.
Another example :
I found the movie suffered big time, for me, as a geek, after our heroes launched into space. The scenes at the Mir Space Station were unnecessary, and the script made the Russian Cosmonaut look like a sitcom character, a complete buffoon who fixes everything by hammering on it. I was offended by that character, not amused. I have a lot respect for the builders and cosmonauts of the Mir Space Station, and I think they should not have been depicted as idiots.
As far as I know cosmonaut Andropov was played by a foreign actor (with a definitely jewish face). 
By your own quote, Serbian actors saw "Behind Enemy Lines" as an anti-Serbian movie.
You are an investor in the movie. Are you going to take your investment and flush it down the toilet because you can't find authentic Serbians willing to act in your action movie, or are you going to find people from the same region that can pull off a convincing enough acting job in the areas of the world where the movie will be marketed (i.e. NOT Serbia)?
Why don't you address my other points instead of cherry picking from another very big budget blockbuster production that has never claimed to use native actors from Russia.
I am not sure where you are going with this as, again, you use an example that is not Asian when you originally said Asians are cast for typical illiterate rednecks. I am hoping you can back this statement up.