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Nokutetsu (Offline)
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Is this an alright plan? - 01-05-2010, 06:37 AM

Okay. So I knew tiny tidbits of Japanese (words and phrases and such) but ever actually had a good idea of where to start and what road to take to learn. So I got a basic idea together, and started on the new year.

I've learned all the Kana, and started learning volcabulary (20 words a day). Once I've gotten a good bit of it under my belt, I'll finish the list while learning grammer, and Kanji last. I'm learning nouns at the moment, but as I get started on grammer I'll learn my verbs and Adjectives. (After all, no point in learning the verb 'to open' if I don't know 'window' or 'door'.)

I'm making my own flashcards and such (with NO Romaji. I'm staying away from it as much as I can) and testing myself.

Is this a good route to go to learning? (Aiming for JLPT4 (N5) at the moment, hoping to reach JLPT2/N2 someday before visiting the country and perhaps getting a working holiday visa).

Ahh, the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and 14 year old girls are FBI agents.
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