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CarleyGee (Offline)
staring at awkward legs
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Location: East Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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01-07-2010, 02:27 AM

My mom got me the full Japanese Rossetta Stone pack for Christmas, and
so far I've only tried out the first lesson. Already I've learned a small bit,
and it's definitely unique in the way it teaches you. They have you speak
it and learn basically how you learnt you're first language. I'm really anxious
to see how I do as I progress.

A couple features I liked:
* Being able to choose romanji, or kanji, or hiragana.
* Practicing your punctuation of difficult words, and playing it back
to hear your tone and mistakes.

And I've only been through the very first lesson (it took 30 minutes)
so that's saying something of how impressed I am.

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