Aww, no, I'm sorry! I just like to ramble, so it's easy for me to write a lot. >_>
And yes, houdai is a glorious word

though I realize my autofill in Japanese didn't do the kanji right for nomihoudai: 飲み放題 is the sign you want to keep an eye out for, not のみ放題. There's also the English-borrowed "Viking", which for some reason means buffet as well.
Think of it as practice, regarding the kana, if you decide to do it! I'll even spotcheck it for you, if you, like, once you're finished.
And, on a random note, if you don't mind me asking... I once heard that while 手紙 is "letter" in Japanese (which I know), I heard the same characters are "toilet paper" in Chinese. Is that true?