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JF Ossan
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01-08-2010, 03:47 AM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
And yet, its culture is pretty much violent. Be it bloody like enjoying violent shooting video game or be it controversial like the whole country divided into two political factions feverishly fighting each other. Sorry to say, I still think like this.
Komitsuki, come on. You are too smart to be reduced to such meaningless and immature posts likes this.

Americans play video games, so therefore this is a violent society? Yes, the body count for Super Mario Bros Wii and Beatles Rock Band is horrific. At least they don't play fighting games in Japan or MMORPGs in Korea. Right?

And a two-party system means America is a violent society?

Why don't you choose areas that actually are indicative of hwo "violent" a culture is.

Sure America has the highest rate of murder, being it is so violent (or at least in the top 10, right)?

Nope. Number 24. Just ahead of Armenia and India. (South Korea is #38)

And what's more violent than murder? Suicide, right? Surely American must be offing themselves at seriously high rates.

US ranks #43 in a virtual tie with Luxembourg. (Japan is #8 and S. Korea is #11.)

I, too, am sorry you still think like this.
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