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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-08-2010, 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by tstorey View Post
I am interested in what I can bring into Japan. We will have some small packaged snack/foodstuffs for kids. Will we get this in or is it a strictly no food policy?
Packaged foods are fine. You cannot bring rice, meat, or fresh fruits/vegetables.

To Shanis, German customs may not ask you to open your bags, but they will ask if you have anything to declare. You may or may not have to list your duty free items on your customs form, but you don't want to be one of those saying "I have nothing to declare", and then have customs find things in your bag.

One of the bad things about living in Europe is the VAT which is added to everything. It also applies to anything you buy overseas and bring back with you, except for those items you buy in the duty-free shops, or the duty-free cart on the airplane.
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