01-08-2010, 11:00 PM
Part 2 I guess . . . Please tell what you think!!
"You say that like only a miracle can save her now! As if there is no other hope but asking her former friend to motivate the captain to wake up. Send her back, the captain doesn't need her for anything anymore. That girl can't save her. The captain's friend is only putting herself in danger." Tsushiro warned. Ryomu waved his hand.
"Ah, don't worry. Crikerfi and I will be by her side the whole time!" Ryomu said, disregaurding the warning.
"Fine but if you-" Tsushiro started but was cut off.
" Shutup! You're rhe one wimping out of facing the captain, not even when she's unconcious! You just lay here barking orders at everyone like nothing ever happened!" Crikerfi said Kimomo noticed he had brown eyes.. Tsushiro looked down and was shaking. Was he crying?
"Just go." He muttered. Everyone left, Crikerfi and Ryomu high fived.
" Now we have one last stop." Ryomu informed the group. They followed him through the halls to room 248.
" I should warn you that this one looks much worse than Tsushiro." he whispered and opened the door. When Kimomo walked in and saw who it was she was about to cry. It was her best friend Nyu but she truly did look much worse than Tsushiro.She had bandages on nearly all of her body, she had several tubes hooked up to her and even a breathing mask. She looked so fradgile and in pain. Kimomo began to cry as memories began to come back.
Kimomo and Nyu grew up in the city of Haruki. Haruki was a city found four million years ago when aliens came to Earth and began marrying humans. They created Haruki to escape percecution, the city had a barrier around it that only let people who had magic in them in. One day people from the military became interested when the offspring of these couples gained alien powers too, they started kidnapping them and using them as guinea pig test subjects. She and Nyu who had black hair and brown eyes. were hiding from these mad men with a big group of people. Unfourtanetly many of them were rebellious and fought the army to save themselves from being captured, but unfourtanetly, most of these attemps failed and they were captured themselves so our group shrunk to only 4 people. Then Tori came along; he had brownish gray hair and brown eytes. He also wore glasses.. He said he spied on the army alot and knew some vital things about them making him the 5th person in the group. One day one of our group challenged a group from the army and ended up getting killed, This ticked Kimomo off because she thought what the guy did was so stupid and it made her so angry she yelled at Nyu when Nyu asked her how she was doing.
"How do you think I am doing? We're all going to go in lives of testing and be miserable all day and don't try to argue with me on it you optimistic moron! Your useless, stupid and sick. Go rot somewhere!" After that Nyu got scared and ran away. At first Kimomo did not care but as hours went by with no Nyu, Kimomo felt really guilty. She went to sleep and decided to find Nyu in the morning, but when Kimomo woke up, she was tied up along with the one other person that was still living with her, a thirty-two year old year old (Kimomo and Nyu were 5) named Don. Kimomo turned around to see Tori standing with some soliders.
If no one replies part 3 won't be posted so please tell me your thoughts -puppy eyes-