Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
Could you correct my English?
An Evidence of Poverty?
Several days ago, one of the Japanese TV news programs said that some American people had proposed* hanging out laundry to dry in the sun. At first I didn’t understand what the point was, because most Japanese people hang out** the ir clothes except for those who don’t have a balcony or a yard to hang things.
The news reader continued that hanging laundry is an evidence of poverty in the US, so some people protest ed against hanging the wash ing out to dry; they don’t like their town to seem to be poor.
I was shocked to hear this. We’ve always*** been hanging the laundry out. We believe that using a dryer is a waste of electricity , and that nobody should protest against what we do. We have a drying tumbler, although we only use it when it’s not fine working.
So then, when American people come to Japan, do most of us seem to be in poverty people to you? Do I seem to be very poor?
Thank you.
Underline = Add (or) replace.
Red = Delete.
*"were proposing" is not neccessarily incorrect, although it may seem a little strange to have two words ending in "ing" in a row (to me at least). Not that there can't be any exceptions.
**"out" is fine where it is, but I figured I'd also point out that it can be placed after "clothes", or even deleted all together if you wish.
***Not really needed, but it gives the sentence a bit more depth I believe.
Your English is very impressive. Of what I corrected, very little of it was actual grammatic errors. Just some changes in a few places to give it a bit more of a natural feel. I wouldn't fully go by what I've said though. Especially since I havn't
nearly contributed to or read through as much of this thread as a lot of the other members have. Not to mention it's nearly 3:30 in the morning here.
Anyways, I'm not sure if the question is directed at us or not, but... No, I don't see hanging laundry outside to dry as any sort of sign of poverty. My family and most other people where I live also hang our laundry out to dry, whether they're rich, poor, or somewhere in the middle.
I'm sorry if I missed something, made a bad correction, or even got redundant with my corrections.
...Okay, 4:00 AM... I must be an insomniac...