Originally Posted by Barone1551
But I think fishing or hunting anything till the point of extinction is wrong. But when certain species are becoming extinct, i think these type of events should be stopped.
Thank you! I agree with you perfectly.I think most japanese agree with you.
next question
SEA SHEPHERD and their supporters think Minke whale's are becoming extinct.
In Japan’s Whale Research Program in the Antarctic,they are hunting mainly Minke whale.Although Minke whale is listed on IUCN red list, but their Conservation status is Least concern.Japan thinks Minke whale should not be listed because of lack of scienstic reason and have not accepted it.
If someone prove Minke whale's are not becoming extinct with scienstic reason,will SEA SHEPHERD and their supporters allow Whaling ?
Did they try to prove Minke whale's are becoming extinct, instead of attacking ?
How many whale is required to hunt them?
Is it a matter of number of whales ?