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SceptileMaster (Offline)
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01-11-2010, 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
I can't speak for Minna no Nihongo, but I suggest you start learning kanji as much as possible (the plural of "kanji" is "kanji" in English like the plural of "fish" is "fish" (usually)). All of these textbooks severely deprive you of kanji, and my opinion is that it hamstrings you for future growth in the language. No textbook makes you learn kanji fast enough, and eventually you hit a point where you speak the language very well, but can't read for crap because you only know like 500 kanji.
Well 500 kanji is pretty good if you only have gone through an elementary Japanese book. I mean you still have a lot of Japanese still to learn afterwards never mind kanji. Also supplementing textbook learning with a Kanji book is generally a good idea isn't it?
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