Originally Posted by allhailhata
At the same time most japanese don't think that whaling is the wrong thing to do at heart.They think whaling doesn't matter to them.
Maybe, Japanese who Nyororin have talked about the subject with didn't take it so seriously too. And japanese know Gaijin tend to be against whaling.
but,I can't know their true meaning,of course.
I doubt that it was an issue of not speaking true feelings about the matter because of my nationality. I have never brought the subject up or asked anyone about it... But it comes up with frequent news.
People don`t really care that much, and the greater majority really would likely not even notice let alone be upset if whale completely disappeared from the market.
Thinking if there were no militant, more people in Japan would stand up for whales is maybe wrong.Japanese people are not so interested in Whaling .
All those Japanese I have met who have expressed a strong sentiment against whaling have explicitly said that they do not want to join any group against it or contribute to groups against whaling because they are all crazy - like Sea Shepard or the like. Those who really don`t care that much but feel it is unnecessary are also discouraged by the extremism of a lot of the groups.
I think this is where activist groups need to actually put forth their effort. If they could actually get the average Japanese to care and to think of whales as something on the same level as pandas or koalas... Or even poor seals who wander into the wrong harbor... There would be tons of groups IN Japan pushing to stop the whaling. As it stands, people don`t really care enough - even if they inherently think it is unnecessary - to stand AGAINST it. "Not necessary" is far from "bad" or "should not be done" in public minds.