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01-11-2010, 01:44 PM

Yeah i think Sakura is ok as well but i just heard some stories from other travelleres and they were not so nice. Especially someone said that they wouldn´t rent to Japanese people and i think thats just wrong. If i live in Japan i´d like to live in a normal envoirment where i can meet Japanese as well and enjoy there culture and everything and not lock myself away in a gaijin-only house. Its nice to meet other travellers because you eventually run into the same problems as them but every guesthouse hase some gaijin so thats not a problem. I had the best time during christmas in my guesthouse and it was nice to see how Japanese celebrate Christmas.

I wanted to stay in a place with Japanese people as well and i had heard about tiny rooms and everyday parties in Sakura-houses, so i decided to not stay with them. I decided to stay with Oakhouse because they had a very good offer for a 3 month stay. They repeat this offer for new tennants every few month and its usually the cheapest you can get for a decent sized single room in a guesthouse around Tokyo.
I do believe that it is possible to get a positive experience with sakura house as well, sorry if i sounded different, but it just wasn´t what i was searching for when i was in Tokyo.

Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: (text is in German, but see the pictures!)
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