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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Smile Script for Nihongo Dekimasu - 01-11-2010, 08:23 PM

Hello ladies and gents,
I'm working on a project for, they said they want videos with vocabulary lists and things and I would really like to subtitle the Nihongo Dekimasu series in Romaji and kana/kanji for those learning japanese (it's already subbed in English). However, my own Japanese listening comprehension ability is HORRIBLE considering how well I can read in Japanese, it makes no sense D: (I self-taught myself Japanese, so I'm only good 'on paper' so to speak) I'm doing this to help others and myself, so those who can understand spoken Japanese well, I greatly apreciate help on making a script for this YouTube - Nihongo Dekimasu Ep 1 part 1/3 It doesn't matter which system of writing it's in

Any takers? I know this is kinda cheesy, but it's a helpful little show~
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