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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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01-12-2010, 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
I don't really agree that P2P sharing is illegal
Whether something is illegal or not is a matter of fact, not opinion. I don't really care whether you think something is legal. Your opinion doesn't matter one iota as to whether an act is actually proscribed by law.

And yeah, technically P2P sharing isn't illegal in and of itself. For example, I can share movies made in the 1910s and that is legal. I can share on P2P something I wrote, or a Shakespeare play in the public domain.

However, sharing a copy of Genki or Yookoso or Minna no Nihongo is definitely copyright infringement, which is illegal. It can even be a criminal act if you share it enough.

And don't confuse morality with legality. I happen to agree with you: I believe it is moreally permitted to give someone a pirated copy of a textbook so they can evaluate it and decide whether they want to make a purchase. However, that does not affect its legality. You get sued based on laws, not morals. Thus, MMM (rightly) is concerned with policing law, not morality.

Well, he might be concerned with policing some morality, but only because it's an unspoken site policy. For example, I hesitate every time I think about using a profanity here despite its complete legality.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 01-12-2010 at 08:31 AM.
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