Originally Posted by Sashimister
Shaking my head...
Can't believe someone who thinks 佳な学校 makes ANY sense is trying to correct this native speaker. I don't need a lesson on particle を, either.
Leaving thread for Shinjuku for a drink. 
AHHH! No! That's not what I meant at all! I wasn't trying to correct anybody, I was confused so I was just asking D: Look, my Japanese totally sucks, I know that, so I wouldn't try to correct anybody unless I was 100% sure their Japanese proficiency level was WAY below that of my own. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was being snooty or something.

I was hoping to get a grammatical explaination or something which is why I explained a grammar point I know you already know to show what I was thinking. FFFFF Now I feel bad and stupid kthx.