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Jnekolove19 (Offline)
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Back in the US - 01-12-2010, 09:23 PM

Its crazy before i left and while i was gone i didn't believe people when they said i would experience reverse culture shock. it seemed like something that everyone says but it doesn't really exist. after being back for 5 weeks i realize that its all true. 1) i never realized how loud americans are, 2) food food food it is so different at first i was like i'm ok with not having any asian food but it finally hit about 2 weeks ago and all i wanted was ramen and sushi (i live in the middle of nowhere so getting anything like that even if its not the real thing is really hard to do) 3) interacting with people now is so different its hard to explain but it is... now the list goes on and on but i think its obvious that the rumors are true reverse culture shock does exist. :-P
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