Since my handphone is starting to malfunction recently, and the fact that I will be making a visit to Japan in a few months, I have this idea of buying a Japanese handphone to replace my current one.
And I have several questions regarding this issue, and I'll be forever grateful to anyone who will take their time to clear my confusion!
Firstly, the cost of a Japanese Handphone without contract and plan. Is it around $100? $200? $500? $1000?
Next, since I live in SG, I uses a SIM card; so, is every Japanese handphone compatible with it? If not, is there only certain brands or model or even none at all compatible with a SIM card?
Another question it able to send and receive sms? I've always just heard about sending and receiving mails whenever I watch dramas or anime.
Last but not least... I would love to hear your opinion on this matter! Is it doable? Or I should just stick with changing my handphone for free when my contract is over?
Much thanks to anyone who bothers reading all these and replying!