01-14-2010, 01:03 AM
E I need a translation site, that can turn english sentences into japanese sentences that actually make sense to the person who is reading them. I've checked out a couple sites, and there not very good. Any sites people know of?
J 私は、日本語の文章には、実際には誰が読んでいる人に は意味が英語の文章を無効にできます翻訳サイトがあり ます。私は、そこは非常に良好ではないカップルのサイ トをチェックアウトしました。すべてのサイトの人を知 っている?
Back to E
I have a Japanese sentence is, in fact, people who have read the site can be translated into meaningful English sentences invalid. I was very good and there has not checked out the site for couples. Who knows any site?
E - This is my God when it comes to translating.
It even reads it outloud for you!
J - これは私のとき、神様にそれを翻訳するものです。これ も、それはあなたのためoutloud読む!
Back to E
This is my time, is to translate it to God. Again, it was read outloud for you!
I'll let you be the judge as to whether that online translator is really reliable for translation from English to Japanese.