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thatkid (Offline)
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01-14-2010, 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by YuriTokoro View Post
Thank you, this question has been answered.
If you'd like to help, please see my latest question at the end of the thread.

........................................................................... .......................

Hi, I'm Yuri from Japan.
I cant't understand this sentence:

"How does a belief in luck change the way a person reacts to good or bad fortune?"

What does "a belief in luck" mean?
Does it mean like "to believe that I'm happy" or "to believe that there are lucky people and unlucky people" ???
Anybody, help me, please.
Thank you!
Believing in luck means you believe in a set pattern in life. It's asking how a person who believes this, maybe you, would take it when something "good" or "bad" happens. You feel "good" knowing you have "good luck" when "good things" happen. If "bad" things happen you feel "bad". People who think luck is the reason for "good" or "bad" in life tend to feel like they can't escape it until it changes on its own. Its called "destiny". Its an unhealthy thought pattern kiddo.

Using all of my sick time...

Last edited by thatkid : 01-14-2010 at 06:08 PM.
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